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The Business Communication Specialists

Mitel Gigabit Ethernet Stand V2

Mitel Gigabit Ethernet Stand V2

Ref: 50006371 

Price: £123.00 (Ex VAT)


Ideal for users with high bandwidth requirements, the Mitel Gigabit Ethernet Stand delivers the latest technology and advancements in Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for Mitel IP phones. This unique peripheral device gives all compatible Mitel IP phones the ability to migrate as the customer’s network evolves, thereby providing capital investment protection. There’s no longer any need to change out the phones for more expensive models in order to get gigabit connectivity at the desktop!

What IP phones support the GigE Stand?
The GigE Stand is supported on the 5215/5220 Dual Mode IP Phones, 5212, 5224, 5235, 5330 and 5340 IP Phones.

Is the Gigabit Stand supported on SIP Phones?
No, the current 5224/5235/5330/5340 SIP Phones do NOT support the Gigabit Ethernet Stand at this time.

What systems is the GigE Stand supported on?
The minimum system requirements for GigE Stand support are:

3300 ICP Release 6.1 (UR2)
SX-200 ICP Release 3.0 (UR2)
